Finally I’ve got a chance to visit this building after many fail attempts due to laziness occurred
To my surprise, the building was not really inhabited, despite the present owner of this house rented the ground floor to local mirror vendor for storage and workshop purposes. It was a beautiful building, there was one Chinese letter [陳 – Chén] and the year of 1931 embedded on top front of the house, i doubt if the original or past owner were in [陳 – Chén] Chinese family. I didn’t have enough luck in getting inside the house due to it was locked. So most of the shots were taken outside. It’s quite amazing design in colonial period, with twin staircases connected with roof covered veranda given a wider glimpse of the surrounding area of the house. Ground floor was huge, provided enough space for storage and could be use in many purposes.
More photos via gallery below:
Hey Robin, can you tell me where is that building?