Tampa (Champa?) Apartments

So I decided to go on a photowalk, and also dragged couple friends along. As I’ve spotted some old buildings along street #174 awhile ago, and now I have a chance go on and photograph those buildings. Most of the buildings were occupied or already renovated, we have walked a couple blocks and decided that we should go to Tampa apartments for some more snapshots, and we did.

While we’ve got inside the compound, surprisingly it looked better than I thought it would have been, there were cats everywhere Smile, because it’s built in O shape, we can walk around and snapping photos before we went up to another floor. At second floors, we’ve met an old lady, and she curiously asked what are we doing with these photographs, we told them about our purpose of archiving the photos of these old architectures, and did a little talk with her, as she told us that ‘Tampa’  was came from the name of the former owner of this buildings, the actual name was ‘Champa’ – ‘Magnolia’ in English, she claimed that she have moved here since 1979 after the Khmer Rough regime was brought down in that year.

More photos below:


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