Abandoned villas in Kep (Villa #3)

KEP, CAMBODIA, It’s always one of my favorite destinations, quiet and tranquility atmosphere on the southern coast of Cambodia, it’s been a mystery for so many decades after the Khmer Rouge regime.

There were so many things to discover, I happened to visit Kep National Park last few months ago with a help/guidance from a friend who owned a resort over there, we’re driving motorbikes surrounded the park (mountain cliff) and enjoying the beautiful view of the surrounding islands.

To the UrbEx-er like me, it’s like discovering the wisdom and history of Kep. These abandoned villas had attracted me to come back from time to time. Not so surprise, whenever I went into these abandons, graffiti were everywhere, from a rookie to pro artists. That flavoring up the view and help made the building alive. Last word: It’s beautifully broken.


More photos via gallery below:


4 Responses to Abandoned villas in Kep (Villa #3)

  • Chea Phal

    It is mouth-watering. hahaha. Wondering when I can explore them…

  • Chanvannak Chhim

    hahaha….Phal eng nov JP post jreun jean eng nov KH teat, jeng dak mouy mong tov haha

  • Chea Phal

    It looks like message "hey dude, come back and explore it together." haha

  • Chanvannak Chhim

    right hahah

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