Abandoned villas in Kep (Villa #1)

After two days working in Takeo, I’ve finally managed to finished it on Friday, and drove up to Kep on that same morning for relaxation and photography opportunity. As I was fortunate enough to have a friend who run the beautiful and tranquil Spring Valley resort in Kep to guide and explore the area.

Kep, was an absolute city for elites back in the Sangkum, as it could easily judge by many abandoned villas and those remained great Khmer architectural buildings. My friend took me around Kep national park, where we drove motorbikes into the jungle via rough and slippery road on the cliff around the mountain. It was a fascinating experience which I’ve been to a place that people  rarely come and observe the entire view over Kep city. The cliff provided better and full view over the city, and you could see many neaby islands and further to a Vietnamese province.

After the tour around the national park, I took a chance to explore the abandons that built on this rich history south west coast of Cambodia. I only able to go in 3 of many abandoned villas to photography the history of it, because the sun went down so fast, especially mosquitoes that bugging me most, I should have brought mosquitoes repellent kit with me that time.

The collection of photos here, was my favorite abandoned villas I’ve explored, very complex design, and praying mantis graffiti that painted on the top floor of this villa.

More photos below:


One Response to Abandoned villas in Kep (Villa #1)

  • Ann Thean

    Can you tell me detail about the place. I want to visit too.

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