Siem Reap trip after Pchum Ben

Siem Reap is known for the ancient city of our Kingdom, believe it or not?! even the locals that are currently living over there never visit all the sacred temples and those hid away ruins in the jungle. When i think of Siem Reap, i would think of the beautiful temples, the ruins, the plains, tall trees, water and big out of sight rice fields.

This time of year is the rainy season, which pretty much wet all day long, very favorable for us traveling as a family. But we were caught in an unexpected tropical storm during our stay there, it might be troublesome for others but not really for us, we enjoyed the rain, we enjoyed the weather, unlike 4-5 months from now, it will be dry season, and there will be dead plants and dark yellow everywhere, so it will be very humidly hot.

One of the best experience this time, we’ve got to stay at 2 of the beautiful resorts, one was new and the other was the place that i’ve always wanted to stay every time i came to Siem Reap. Will be back again in the future.

And a video that i made to sum up our trip Grin


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